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Hello Retirement Planning
Current Age Years
Retirement Age: Years
Annuity Ends at Age: Years
Current Monthly Expense:
Balance Required at Age :
Expected Inflation Rate Expected Return Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Pre Retirement % Accumulation Phase % %
Post Retirement % Distribution Phase % %
Projected Monthly Expense at Retirement ₹ 0
Total Retirement Corpus Required
Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Current Market Value of Investment
Expected Rate of Return %
Expected Future Value of Current Investment ₹ 0
Other Amount Receivable on Retirement
Balance Retirement Corpus Required Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Available Investment Options:
Investment Option Option 1 @ % Option 2 @ %
Monthly SIP Till Age 60 ₹ 0 ₹ 0
Monthly SIP For 5 Years ₹ NAN ₹ NAN
Monthly SIP For 10 Years ₹ NAN ₹ NAN
Lumpsum Investment ₹ NAN ₹ NAN

Monthly Annuity & Yearwise Projected Value

years left : 0
Age Scenario 1 @ % Scenario 2 @ %
Monthly Annuity Balance EOY Monthly Annuity Balance EOY

*Returns are not guaranteed. The above is for illustration purpose only. Report Date : 08/09/2024


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