Retirement Planning

This Retirement Planning calculator helps us determine what proportion of money one should need for retirement to take care of the present post-retirement lifestyle and provides the investment required to realize it and action steps to take with your 401(k). The Expected Inflation Rate Post-Retirement and Expected Rate of Return during the Distribution Phase should not be the same. This is because of some technical reason.
Expected Rate Of Return:
Scenario 1
Expected Rate Of Return:
Scenario 2 (Optional)

How to Use the Retirement Planning Calculation And Take PDF Report?

Using the, the Retirement Planning calculation is simple. To get an estimate of the Projected Monthly Expense at retirement, Total Retirement Corpus required, Balance retirement corpus Required, Available Investment Options to Achieve Balance retirement corpus required, and Monthly Annuity and Year wise Project Value.

You need to do the following:

The Main default value Numbers are Fed, if you want to change any number you can edit and Make your Retirement Planning Report PDF and Save and Share it.

1) Enter your Name.
2) Enter your phone number.
3) Enter your E-mail.
4) Enter your Current Age.
5) Enter your Retirement Age.
6) Enter your Current Monthly Expense.
7) Enter your Expected Inflation Rate Till Retirement.
8) Enter your Expected Inflation Rate Post Retirement.
9) Enter your Expected Accumulation Phase (Before Retirement Investment ROI) Rate of Interest.
10) Enter your Expected Distribution Phase (After Retirement Investment ROI) Rate of Interest.
11) Enter your Current Market Value of Investment.
12) Enter your Expected Rate of Return (Current Investment).
13) Enter your Other Amount Receivable on Retirement.
14) Enter your Age at Which Annuity (After Retirement income Cash Flow) Ends.
15) Enter Your Balance Required Amount at End of Annuity (After Retirement income Cash Flow)

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