Disney stocks tank after the release of Avatar 2 underperforms.


Dec, 21,2022

The release of Avatar 2 was met  mixed reviews from audiences.

According to this stock tracker, that March of 2020 bottom was short-lived just before the stock jumped to nearly $200 per share.

Outside of that temporary dive, Disney’s stock closing at $85.78 per share on Monday is the lowest number in nearly a decade, since May of 2014.

The release of Avatar 2 was met with mixed reviews from audiences, and Disney is now facing a lot of criticism for investing in a movie that is not doing well at the box office.

On Monday, Avatar 2 grossed $16 million domestic, per the far-left Deadline. Top Gun: Maverick made $34 million on its first Monday

This news likely contributed to the stock price decline. On first Monday in 2009, the original Avatar cleared $16.3 million and went on to break all kinds of records.

What parent wants to exit a theater explaining alternate sexual lifestyles to a kid before that kid is ready?

Way of the Water’s box office, it may be too soon to judge how well it will do domestically, but there’s no question it is falling short in China, and that will affect its worldwide gross.